Breaking free from the grip of winter was no easy task for Fred Putney and his track crew. But last Sunday afternoon, the widely respected Lincoln (PA) Speedway track preparer gave the 410 Sprint drivers and their fans a place to race after promoters Don Leiby and Alan Kreitzer decided to ‘go for it’.
Greg Hodnett and Mike Heffner are glad Putney worked his magic and Lincoln’s operators maintained their resolve to open earlier than any other track in the region.
Hodnett drove Heffner’s 410 to the first win of the Central Pennsylvania season Sunday on a track that was a challenge for many but seemingly a romp for Hodnett.
This was a day for making news simply by opening for Lincoln’s folks and a day for excelling by a top notch team destined for more headlines in te weeks to come.
Messrs. Putney, Leiby, Kreitzer, Hodnett and Heffner, take a bow. Individually and collectively, you made the news!

(Photo Credit: Scott Peters)