Business card size ad on personal message page
$30 – (No photo)
Business card size ads placed on kart, 1/4 Midget/Micro Sprint or any other generic page.
$50 – (No photo)
3″x 4″ ad with photo (We cannot guarantee that we will have the photo you need on file.)
$75 – (photos can be emailed to us)
Ad Information can be sent using the form below or by calling: 609.888.3618
Ads received after 4 p.m. on Monday will be included in the following week’s paper. Larger ads are available upon request at the price of $25 per height inch.
Credit Card payments can be accepted by calling the office at 609.888.3618. Checks or Money Orders can be sent to: AARN, P.O.Box 8547, Trenton, NJ 08650